
Rotation: Hold down the primary mouse button.
Translation: Hold down the Ctrl button and the primary mouse button or the middle mouse button.
Zoom: Scroll the mouse wheel or hold down the second mouse button or hold down the button Shift and the primary mouse button.
Show/hide atom name: Click with the primary mouse button.
Translation: Hold down the Ctrl button and the primary mouse button or the middle mouse button.
Zoom: Scroll the mouse wheel or hold down the second mouse button or hold down the button Shift and the primary mouse button.
Show/hide atom name: Click with the primary mouse button.
Site protein A:
Colors schema: Ligands (Red).
Colors schema: Atoms of Pockets (Yellow), Pocket Cavity (Orange), Ligands (Red).
Site protein B:
Colors schema: Ligands (Red).
Colors schema: Atoms of Pockets (Yellow), Pocket Cavity (Orange), Ligands (Red).